Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tip to your Health: Aphrodisiacs

Foods that make you go uummm in more than one way

People have been fascinated with aphrodisiacs since the beginning of mankind. Let us first start by defining aphrodisiac. According to Wikipedia, “An aphrodisiac is a substance that is used in the belief that it increases sexual desire; substance that when ingested will make you or your chosen mate want to lose his/her pants. The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sensuality and love; throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have been reputed to make sex more attainable and/or pleasurable.
People have tried it all, from dried beetle remains (aka Spanish Fly) to urine. No, I am not making these things up. Since we are into health, fitness and life, we are not going to send you searching for deadly snakes or rhinoceros horns. We are going to give you a list of natural, mostly healthy foods that have been said to get you a bit randy!

1. Chocolate I love, love, love chocolate!! This one is for all you chocoholics…try it warm and use your sweetie’s skin as a plate and your tongue and fingers as the utensil. Just what is it about the cacao bean that makes people go crazy? Perhaps it's the serotonin or the phenyl ethylamine, or all the other neurotransmitters that make our brains happy. There's also the stimulants theobromine and caffeine, plus the antioxidants. Ancient civilizations worshipped the Cacao tree and called it "food of the gods.

2. Oysters I absolutely laughed when I first read why oysters are considered an aphrodisiac. Oysters are viewed as an aphrodisiac because of its resemblance to female genitalia. I am in support of whatever works. But before you dismiss them, you should also know that they are high in zinc and all shellfish contain phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, vitamin B and glyco¬phosphates. These are basic essentials for an aphrodisiac.

3. Asparagus These are the only vegetables that have stalk shaped like “the you know what”. It is lacking a little in width but the thought of it in that way evokes unmentionable thoughts. They are high in potassium and vitamin A which are thought to boost sex drive. Who knows if it is fact or myth but at least you get veggies in while enjoying this nutritious veggie.

4. Figs This is another food that is said to resemble a woman’s “hoo ha” when opened, has aroused people for many centuries. They might not be pretties looking fruits but they are great with grapes, cheese and crackers when hand feeding your Boo like he or she is a royalty. Go ahead and enjoy!

5. Scallops Now I know why some people love scallops! The sea is one of the major sources of life. It is therefore no surprise that most sea creatures have the elements to form an aphrodisiac. As I said before, all shellfish, the strongest aphrodisiacs, contain phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, vitamin B and glyco¬phosphates, basic essentials for an aphrodisiac. Aphrodite is thought to have sprung from sea foam. As a result, various types of seafood are thought to have aphrodisiac qualities.

6. Chili and curry Spicy foods tend to raise the heart rate and cause beads of sweat to appear on the brow. These are physical reactions that may also occur during sex. I guess when you are doing something that causes reactions that occur when having sex; you can’t help but think of doing the do when eating them. Peppers can also increase your metabolism helping you burn a little more fat. Who doesn’t want a little more help when trying to get their sexy back?

7. Honey We have always known that honey was good for many uses…I can fill you with stick details…but this is not that kind of article ;) Honey is a highly metabolized sugar. Honey is also known as the "nectar of Aphrodite"! It has been said to prolong sexual arousal and is a good source of energy. I went out and bought two bottles after reading that. Who needs sugar substitutes when you can do so much with honey!

If none of these foods or suggestions get you going, then we should refer you to Dr. Pennington. Stay tuned for our next newsletter where we will share recipes that incorporate these yummy, naughty foods. We would love to hear about any aphrodisiacs that you have discovered. Come on, you have to share with the rest of us. Please send to info@bwellfit.com; we will then share with other readers and give you the credit for bringing a little more heat to the bedroom.

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