Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ask the Experts: 5 Fitness Tricks for Better Sex

Q: They say that being in better shape helps improve your sex life.  How is working out going to make me last longer or have better sex?  Since I am not one to pass up a good thing, can you add a little something for my wife too (wink, wink) ;)

A. Experts have long said that people who are in better mental and physical health tend to have good sex lives.  There are three primary components of fitness, they say "Endurance, strength and flexibility."  If you are in shape, you have more aerobic endurance, muscular strength and overall flexibility-- all of which can aid a person during sex.

Don't forget the increased blood flow to the brain and those parts down there that make you want to jump your mate.  Studies also point to the release of neurotransmitters that generally make people feel good.

When you are feeling good, you are more likely to want sex and enjoy it more.  You will also avoid injuries like cramping and muscle pulls during sex (yes, it happens).

People who are out of shape are often less motivated to have sex.  They tend to tire easily, have a lower sex drive and less stamina than those who work out.

So the moral of the story is get your butt in shape!

Here are 5 Fitness Tricks and Positions for Better Sex

1. Get your mind right – Brain fitness is very important since this where it all begins.

a. Ladies

i. Take the time to mentally get prepared for sex. This includes believing you are sexy and beautiful. We are all sexy and beautiful in our own way so you might as well own it. Repeat: “I am beautiful, I am sexy” over and over in your head. Studies show that when we tell ourselves something repeatedly, we will start to believe it. Many men believe that confidence is one of the sexiest things about a woman. Exuding confidence will quickly boost you from blah to hot.

ii. Now, think sexual thoughts. Think of your favorite fantasies and include your partner. When I played sports in school, the coach would make us replay a perfect race or competition in our head. I would picture myself running the perfect race and getting the perfect time. This mental exercise always improved my race and time. Use this when it comes to sex and you will find that your sex life will get better.

iii. Begin foreplay long before the act begins. Send your honey sexy texts, notes or long sexy stares across the table. Flirt and tease him so by the time you two are about to do the act, you are both ready to go. Now begin the traditional foreplay.

iv. Meditations can be used to enhance your sexual experience as well as other parts of your life. Invest in meditation books, audio books, etc…

b. Gentlemen

i. Please apply all the above

ii. We are going to take it a step further for you. Nature has blessed you with the ability to reach orgasmic climax faster and more frequent than women. It is going to take your lady a little longer to reach climax so try to prolong the act for her. When you are in the act, one of the best ways to prolong the experience is to think of something non-sexual. Some of the things I have heard guy friends use as orgasm blockers are station wagons, graveyards, work, getting up in the morning, and other visuals that are totally “un-PC” to mention. Use this mind trick to keep you going longer.

iii. Don’t go in with a loaded gun, release beforehand. This way you can focus on pleasing her and not worried whether you are going prematurely unload.

2. Get your heart in check – interval training 2-3 times per week to increase stamina. This means that you will last longer. Remember when you first started running? The first time, you were out of breath, your legs were cramping up and you were feeling a burning sensation in your chest. The more you ran, the longer you could go with less of the embarrassing symptoms we mentioned earlier. You can transfer that stamina to the bedroom. Try this interval training 2-3 times a week to get your heart in check.

a. Treadmill

i. Warm up with a 3-5 minute brisk walk

ii. Take the pace up another notch so that you are almost running for one minute

iii. Take the pace up to a run for a minute

iv. Back to near run for a minute

v. Take it up to a fast paced run

vi. Repeat

vii. The total time should be 20 minutes or more. Start with 10 minutes which is warm up, 2-3 run intervals, 2 minute cool down

3. Total body workout 2-3 times per week

Sex is very physical and will require you to use all your major muscles whether you know it or not. Your fitness routine should include exercises for the following muscle groups:

i. Deltoids (shoulders) – Try Lateral extensions, shoulder press

ii. Biceps – Try bicep curls

iii. Triceps - Try triceps extensions

iv. Chest – Try pushups or bench press

v. Back – Try pull ups, lat pull downs, fly’s

vi. Abs/Core – Try bicycles, plank holds

vii. Quadriceps – Try lunges

viii. Hamstrings /gluteus maximus– Try squats

ix. Calves – Try calf raises
The better shape you in the more confident you are sexually and the better you can perform.

Now this was just foreplay, come back next time for our last 2 steamy tips....next up positions!


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